luni, 22 noiembrie 2010

Impressed by Romanians at TED

About two weeks ago I officially became a TED translator. The days prior, I have had the chance to watch some amazing TED talks, -- which immediately I posted on FB -- and they had great impact on me. I didn’t know much about TED at the time, so I checked the website to find out more. Checking the website I found out I can volunteer to be a TED translator, which I did in a blink. Since then I translated about 13 talks, so I make my contribution pretty regularly.

How does the translation process work? Well, one person does the translation and a second person has to review the translation. If there is a conflict between the two persons, first they should try and solve it together and if that doesn’t work, they should ask someone at TED to arbitrate. Did not happen to me. Yet!

One thing that I was totally amazed by is how active the Romanian translators are. Not only active, but hardworking, motivated, detail oriented, very good at what they do. I must say, I was surprisingly well impressed. Did you know that Romanian is among the languages with most translations on TED? That was very pleasing for the Romanian part of my soul. And also, there is a Romanian guy among the top TED translators? Wow! And there is another one who took it upon herself to translate a TED a day, which is a huge enterprise, I believe. She is in her third month.

I will keep on doing my part and I hope there are people in Romania who will watch all the translated TED talks. If I convinced you to give it a try, here is the TED address and if you want to see the talks I recommend, you can find them on my profile.

I am a TED translator and proud of it!

One of the talks, randomly chosen

4 comentarii:

  1. Sarut mina Magda,
    anul trecut impreuna cu ai mei colegi de la Tg Mures am lucrat o aplicatie web pentru :) .
    Poti sa ii intrebi pe cei care s-au ocupat de materialele promotionale vindute via web de echipa de la REEA din Tg Mures .
    A fost un proiect livrat in conditii bune :)

  2. @Dan, ma bucur grozav ca TED e cunoscut in Romania si ca sunt asa de multi oameni care se implica sa-l promoveze. Va doresc mult succes in continuare in tot ce intreprindeti.
